Stay Warm with Pachamama
With new winter warmers from Pachamama now in stock and looking very cosy and inviting, we thought it was the ideal time to share a little more about this brand.
Why we love Pachamama:
*Made from super warm pure wool yarn.
*Hand knitted by skilled artisans through a fair trade cooperative in Nepal.
*10% minimum of sales profits go to Net4kids, an international charity working in Nepal, with a mission to give underprivileged children a better future through sustainable help.

Brand Spotlight
Pachamama began in 1990 when David Child and Cathy Stirland started trading goods from the Andean Mountains of South America. Its name translates as "Earth Mother" in Quechua, the ancient language of the Incas.
Since those early days Pachamama has developed strong and sustainable relationships with its suppliers - from sourcing and collecting raw materials to designing and marketing finished products.
In 1996 Pachamama became a proud member of BAFTS - the British Association for Fair Trade Shops and Suppliers.

Pachamama has been loyal to its original philosophy on fair trade and has been working with some of the same producers for over 20 years - ensuring continuous and solid economic and social growth for a large number of people.
It's lovely to see these women with incredibly skilled hands able to work close to their homes, keeping families together and preventing the need for economic relocation to the cities.