Green Tulip Values
Green Tulip was launched in 2007 with a simple aim to offer customers ethical and eco-friendly products which are not only beautiful but also kinder to people and our planet.
We believe in creating a positive impact, and Green Tulip has grown to 120 brands and over 1000 products to shop across the store. But you can rest assured that all the products you find here still align with our original mission and promise!
We categorise every single product we sell according to the 19 values listed below - which we split into ethical and eco attributes. If it's sold on Green Tulip, you can be confident knowing it meets at least one (and often many more!) of these values.
We all value different things, and so to make shopping even easier, you can filter and search by these attributes.
Want to know more about each value? Click on the values for a detailed explanation of each one.
Ethical Values
These highlight products and brands with a commitment to social and economic responsibility, including fair labour practices and promoting a positive social change.
Eco Values
These represent the environmentally friendly attributes of our products, such as being plastic free, reusable or made from recycled materials.